
Microblading Services

The services that we provide at Brows by Rachel varies from first timers and to those who have had previous work done by another artist. We also offer mapping consultations for anyone who needs more reassurance before fully committing.



For the most natural looking brow, hair strokes are created by using a handheld device to mimic the appearance of more eyebrow hair. This service is recommended for those with enough eyebrow hair. It is not suitable for oily skin or large pores. 2.5 hours


Combo Brows

This service is the classic Microblading LA-inspired brows. It includes a combination of handheld hair strokes and machine shading or ombré for a beautifully defined dramatic brow. The most popular look, it is suitable for dry and oily skin type. 2.5 hours


Mapping Consultation

This consultation is meant to help you find the correct shape for your brow before committing to the full microblading procedure. 45 minutes



One of my favorite looks is the Microblading and Shading -- which is a combination of hair strokes and manual shading. The shading adds more definition to your brows. This also might be known as a “soft combo”.  This service is recommended for those who want the natural microblading look, but don’t have a lot of natural eyebrow hair. 2.5 hours


Microblading on Previously Tattooed Brows

This service is for clients who have had eyebrow tattooing or microblading done in the past. Please text Rachel a picture of your previously microbladed or tattooed eyebrows BEFORE BOOKING. 3 hours

Touch Ups

Touch Ups are extremely important to complete and up keep your microbladed brows. Please select which phase of your touch up you are on below. If you are coming from another artist and need a touch up, please text Rachel and send a photo to adjust the pricing.


4-6 Week Touch Up

This is the second phase of your initial Microblading procedure. This will complete your final look and give you the best results to last you the next 2-3 years. 1.5 hours


1-2 Year Touch Up

Microblading is a semi-permanent process, which means that it will completely fade after 2-3 years.  However, if you want your eyebrows to last longer, you should schedule an appointment every 12 months. Keeping up with your appointments will refresh your eyebrows and postpone the fading. 2.5 hours


6-8 Month Touch Up

Select this procedure if you would like to see your brows more enhanced and defined at the 6-month mark. If your brows have faded sooner due to sun exposure, essential oils, or other reasons, this will give you a fresh brow look. 2 hours


2+ Year Touch Up

This procedure is like your first. This service includes remapping your brows, finding your shape, correcting the color if needed or completely faded, and starting your full 2-3 year procedure all over again. 2.5 hours


At Brows by Rachel, we use the PMU Pigment set, exclusively developed by Tina Davies and Perma Blend for all of our microblading services. We offer a wide range of colors to suit all different hair colors and tones.

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